About 3 months ago, I was put on blood pressure medication. It upset me. It bothered me and I didn't tell many people about it. I rather avoid the lectures on how I wouldn't have hypertension if I only lost weight. I get it. I'm trying. However, I was rather relieved to hear that I was considered a mild case and we would start getting it under control with only 5mg of Lisonopril for three months and then re-evaluate. Hearing that most women who have pre-eclampsia, which I did in my first pregnancy are more likely to develop it, also took away the guilt feeling. Whether hereditary or weight related, it did help motivate me to make healthier decisions in my diet and to start walking and getting some exercise in.
But as a busy mom and wife, the 3 months went faster then I thought and I didn't schedule my follow up on time. I ran out of my pills that Tuesday since the doctors office was closed on monday, Memorial day. Thinking I could wait, my appointment was scheduled for Wednesday afternoon. However that same Wednesday morning I went to work, I had a horrible migraine by 8am. I then started to feel like there was something in my contacts and my vision started blurring. And then a sudden onset of nausea and feeling like it was 100 degrees inside our cold medical office. I knew my blood pressure was not under control and with only skipping one dose, the symptoms I was feeling were enough for my doctor to take me in earlier and I was able to leave work to be seen immediately. When I made it to the office, my blood pressure was elevated but she wasn't sure if that was the issue or just a withdrawal to it having the medicine in 24 hours.
It reminded me with physical symptoms how dependent my body became on that medicine. I was amazed at how I didn't even make it a day without them and I was feeling so horrible. So how come we allow us to start off our days without God and not think that we will feel spiritually sick as well?
I didn't do anything different this day except skip my medication. I ate the same. I slept well. I came to work prepared but my body reminded me it's something I still need. And now I'm praying that I can be reminded in my spirit daily how much I need Jesus.... not just to read and post a verse or wait for church time..... but to long for Him and to have Him be the first thing I seek in the morning. I pray that just as our body creates dependencies that I can have this thirst in my soul to Be In His presence, to read His word and spend that time with my savior.
Sometimes it's the little things that remind me just how much more I need Jesus.....
I encourage you today to not foolishly think you can go a day without Him. He's waiting. And there's nothing He longs more then for you to seek Him. And unfortunately just like my body without the medicine, our spirit can grief and be sick without us spending time with Him. Grow in dependency on Him..... have Him be your medicine !!!!
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