Today, marks 8 years since my life was radically changed. It was this day that I realized two things::: Only God could love me wholly and perfectly, and there was no mistake I'd made that was too big for forgiveness....and it's the same forgiveness He'd want me to have with others. I celebrate this day because prior to this I wasn't really living... I was a slave to me and my selfish ways and years of doing things our way clearly wasn't working. At this point in my life I thought I'd be a 21 year old divorced single mother who would have to live in shame and guilt of ruining her own marriage..... But God.... He wasn't done. And He meant it all for good. He had started a work in my heart and my husband and was orchestrating these series of events that would lead us to Him.... Repentance and each other with a love newer and purer than before. A couple weeks ago I sat in a room full of women and told my testimony and I vividly remember every tear I ...
a blog about faith, marriage, motherhood and encouraging you in life! Its the things that happen in my world......