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My world in 2014!

As 2014 comes to an end, and people.make all types of plans to change for the new year I can't help but just reflect on the wonderful year its been. If anything, its been the year that God has taken me out of my comfort zone.

I always thought I was outgoing and daring until God started putting things in my heart, then fear and doubt I didn't know before started to set it. The enemy is always working hard at delaying what God wants to accomplish in your life. This year started out with me turning 25, and feeling like I was finally an adult, a grown woman. I know. Don't ask me why it didn't happen when I got married, or had kids, or bought a house. Something about 25, made me feel like I finally am getting older.

I've always loved writing and had a passion for telling people about God and my experiences since he radically changed my heart. But it wasn't until February I felt it was time to start a blog and venture out in faith. I wasn't sure if anyone would read or care, But I learned when God commands us to do something, all you have to do is be obedient and He will take care of the rest. It was certainly amazing to see friends like my page, and read my blogs yet I had to learn and remember that if only 1 person read and God spoke to them through anything I wrote, it would be enough. Its not my job to see what God does with the seeds I plant, only to plant them. I do thank Him He is faithful, and every time I wondered He sent someone along to let me know they were reading in either a call or a text or a comment. I am thankful for the opportunity to share with so many and pray that I can only keep pointing the 4000 readers in over 20 countries to Christ! Not only to keep doing HIS work, but to remember I am just His tool and nothing outside of Him. Its only His grace.

This year, we were able to finally take the kids to Disney and experience a real family vacation for the first time since Emeli was born. It was amazing. To see the kids faces, taking pictures with characters, getting on rides, watching the fireworks and parades. As parents we enjoyed being able to have that opportunity.

Last year we planned on many home improvements, and we finally were able to get around to them. Fixing floors, painting walls, cutting branches, pressure cleaning, rearranging. When we finally bought our house, we were sure it needed many improvements but at the time we couldn't afford it and didn't know start. Its been amazing to be able to see our little house become more honey, more us and start reflecting our style.

This year was also the year we celebrated our 10 year anniversary. Together in February and married in November. Yup not only did we get married as teenagers, but we also got married within months of dating. This milestone felt huge. Going into double digits with my husband.... Something most people didn't know would last simply because of our age. This year God worked in our marriage like never before. We became more accountable, more committed to praying together, doing devotionals together, studying God's word together. We became intentional in our lifting up and encouraging each other. He continued to bring us together to overcome new challenges. We were able to experience a few romantic getaways and even won a marriage retreat/conference :)

 In this same spirit, mind and unity, God called us to serve. And what better way to do it then to do it together. This year we became involved in the Family Ministry at church, I am not sure why we picked kids, when it seems we have enough of our own, but the more we do it the more I realize God is teaching us through them. We have been blessed to be able to teach kindergarten and first graders every Saturday night for the past couple of months. It has been amazing to learn God's word through their level, to meet other people in the body committed to serve and create disciples. I love getting to know the little kids that bring smiles to our faces, their parents and ALL the wonderful leaders, pastors and volunteers we have gotten to know along the way. I was scared, I was doubtful, but week after week God brings courage, bravery and has taught me its what He plans and not what I think I can do,

Another way, he brought me out of my comfort zones was by meeting this wonderful family of strangers one night at church as our kids played together after service. We ended up going to dinner with them and found out they were the same age, had been married just as long, and have kids the same age. They also had just moved here from Colorado and were praying for friends. It was amazing to see how God also answered our prayer in getting to form a friendship with a like minded couple. It was awesome that as we got to know each other, we had similar stories, similar experiences and so much to learn from them. Now i am happy to say that after many dinners, play dates, texts, and emails, they have become Friends, AND brothers and sisters in Christ to help us on our journey as parents and a couple and as we venture into everything God has in store for us. It definitely has been awesome to have someone to pray with and share life with,

In many ways he answered my prayers for Friends and boldness in finding them and reaching out to them, I was blessed to meet another lady who was Emmanuel's friend's mom and we discovered not only did they share a class but we also went to the same church. Since then, its been a growth of friendship in her. I love that we can share play dates, phone calls, ideas, and prayer requests with one another. I love that  I can look up to her as she's been married longer, has older kids, and was raised Christian. There's so much wisdom in her talks and I love that God is sending people for me to learn from.

This Year, I also lost my grandma who lived in Colombia my whole life. She lived a nice long life and I couldn't have asked to have her much longer, but it was a great reminder that all that matters is what we are living for. Our lives are nothing but a vapor in the light of eternity. She reminded me to value all my family, all the moments we are given. To reach out, to call, to cherish the time spent,
But also to live in a way we leave a legacy and prove that Christ is real by the way we live in love, generosity, and being the light HE calls us to be.

I am extremely thankful and overwhelmed at HIS grace and goodness when I look back at 2014. We were blessed in being able to make memories, family vacations, marriage getaways, worship concerts, New friendships, deepening older ones, and being involved in our Church home, growing and knowing once again that we have moved forward. I know now we walk with Christ, as HE doesn't leave us in the same place. Our walk with him is a call to deeper, to the unknown, that's why it requires Faith..... being certain of the things unseen. In every area of my life this year, as a wife, a mother, a co-worker, a friend, a blogger-- I realized He was working to make me uncomfortable and change so much in me. I love that with Him, I don't have to make crazy new years resolutions that I may not be able to keep, but instead HE gives me new vision and if I am willing and obedient, HE does more than I could ever plan or imagine on my own.

 As you bring in 2015, I encourage you to look back at 2014 and see how many times God proved His faithfulness, HIS provision, His protection, and HIS love for you despite of any setbacks, mistakes, or failures, I pray you are able to see that God doesn't only want to change your life, but HE desires to change your heart. I pray that as you look to self improvement goals, you look to HIM instead of self. I pray that as you look for a vision of the future, you could SEE the vision for the future HE has for you when you walk with HIM. I encourage you to take a leap of faith and pray that HE would lead you and direct you in the plans HE has for you, because that I can promise is better than any resolution or plan we make on our own. We can fail, HE won't!

-love, Meli- Happy 2015 :)

P.S.  this would definitely have to be the theme song of my year....enjoy :)


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