Colombia was in my heart because its my parent's country, and it would be with my home church campus : Plantation. I have to admit even with all the familiarity, I dealt with fear of the unknown and let procrastination get in the way of even completing my application.

However my plans are not HIS plans. When I dealt with regret and sadness, He was making a way. There was an overwhelming response for the Colombia trip and it was suggested I take a look at the Guatemala Trip. An unknown place with unfamiliar people. I prayed and felt this is where I belong. Moving out in obedience and faith to wherever He leads .
In Guatemela, we will do children ministry outreaches, like VBS. We will help serve in a growing ministry there called “Celebrate Recovery”, which is a Christ-centered, 12 step recovery program for anyone struggling with hurt, pain, or addiction of any kind. It is a group that comes together to find community and freedom from the issues that are controlling their lives. Also, there will be time for street evangelism and other various outreaches to the surrounding communities and through the church.
I am excited to see what God will do and look forward ro serving in Love.
Anyway you feel led to support me or this trip, I would really appreciate it whether with prayers, encouragement or financially! God bless and thank you!
If you feel led to support me financially, please follow the link below:::
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