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Running the Race

In the past few months, a lot has changed. The biggest has been me finally tackling my weight and being successful at losing 30 pounds so far. I have been eating healthy and even tried cross fit as my workout. It was intense and there were things I'd never thought I'd do but everyday I pushed myself a little more and pushed my body to new limits.

My least favorite thing to do and probably the most painful; the one thing that pushed my lungs and legs to the point of puking, was running. So I found the verse Hebrews 12:1 and used my spiritual race as a reminder of how much to physically push myself to persevere and to "run" as well.

Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith" - Hebrews 12:1-2

However, this week as this verse came up once again in my devotional, this was not the part that stuck out to me. It was actually the first time my focus and attention was brought to "let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles" --- SIN that Easily entangles. It was like a light bulb went off and I received fresh revelation.

See for me to run and lose weight, I have had to buy running shoes, and work out clothes, and while running I have had to take off my bangle bracelet or earrings or anything that stops me and makes me lose focus or speed. I have had to cut bad eating habits and avoid the temptations that will have me back in the cycle of eating those junk foods that I used to give into so easily.

And as we run this race and persevere and keep our eyes fixed on Jesus.... what are we called to do? To get rid of those things that can hinder us spiritually. In our earthly bodies, sin comes natural. Its part of the fallen world we live in. But as we become new creations in Christ, and start to say goodbye to our old ways, we are to TRAIN and not live in the sin we were saved from.

If Sin can easily entangles us, why continue to partake in the things that can further cause us to stumble? This has been weighing heavily om me this week. I had to take a step back and remember the sins I used to struggle with, and the things that I must still be conscious to fight daily in God's word and truth, submitting to His will and not my own desires.

I honestly was just reminded of how easy falling can be and how one decision can lead us down a sinful path..... How we must guard our eyes, our ears, and our hearts from anything that can hinder us.

For a while for me, secular music was an issue. Not because every song was sinful if itself but because songs brought up memories, or emotions of anger towards people who I'd forgiven, or even made me reminisce about past relationships or attentions that were not my husband. A big stumbling block for someone who dealt with adultery in the past. - For those who have struggled with porn, it may be watching shows or movies that include triggers such as sex scenes. --

As I have lost this weight, I have learned that a little cheat day is not always beneficial as it gets harder for me to get back on track to eat clean and healthy. I have also seen that one simple meal can trigger cravings for sugar, fats and carbs that I have eliminated from my diet. I have to be wise and choose maybe not to partake in these foods at all.... and I can care for my physical body this way. why not more so my spirit and my relationship with God.

Don't get me wrong, our righteousness is found in Christ Alone. - not in our own perfections or works- but we are called to be Holy, to walk in the process of sanctification and even more so to "let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles''.

I don't know if I made sense in my rambling, but its been an urgent stirring in me to continue to be set apart, to not conform, and to PERSEVERE running this race with our eyes set on Jesus. I definitely encourage you today to be careful and mindful of the things you may be participating in that may be holding you back from growth in your walk. Anything that may be a trap or that can entice  us to further stumble and sin. And for us as believers- sin is not necessarily those big things we think of- but it may very easily be pride, envy, gluttony, and lust, etc. Evaluate your thoughts, your weaknesses, your time spent with Jesus and the time spent in things that don't honor or glorify Him. We are made to Glorify Him.... to be transformed and to continue to be His vessel! Be encouraged to continue to run the race .....


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