If any of you read my 2016 wrap up blog, then you would know the word "Go" is the word from God for 2017 for me personally. And I have been meditating on this verse: Mark 16:15 that reminds me we are instructed to "Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation". And that has been something I have thought about a lot, because as much as I love Jesus, as much as I write and no matter how much I love teaching, I know I need growth in the area of evangelizing and telling people the good news.
A couple days ago on my lunch break, I went outside to about one of the five new picnic tables around our property, A picnic table in the middle of the parking lot is where I sat to blog on my phone. The blog was going to be about a lesson I am learning as I parent Emeli, but instead this is what I got.
A man who walked past me in the lot, came back around and asked if I minded him sitting with me. Of course I answered "no". And once he sat there was an awkward silence as I was determined to blog and be intensely concentrated on my phone. However, it didn't feel right to have this man sit there and ignore him. I started praying wondering if there was a reason this man was sitting there, yet I was resisting the urge to speak to Him. Finally surrendering to the prompt in my spirit, I put my phone aside and asked him what he was doing in the parking lot. He stated his wife was interviewing for a job in the plaza. He told me after all the years he has lived in a nearby city, he never knew all these medical offices were hidden in this area. We casually spoke about the medical offices and where I work, and the beautiful weather. We got into conversation about the fake wooden table we were sitting at and how due to environmental concerns, it is more difficult and expensive to obtain furniture made out of real wood. He told me about furniture he has owned that lasted for years due to being made out of real sturdy wood and not compressed material.
Being on my lunch, we also talked about food. He told me he was Jamaican which I could tell from his accent and how he loves cooking. He said he rarely goes to restaurants because he never knows what is actually being served. He is the type of person who rather buy fresh food and cook it himself his way.... yet even the "organic" label concerns him as he says in this day and age of GMO's we are more unaware of what we are eating. The conversation kept flowing naturally and before I knew it, t was time for me to go back to work. I felt I did my duty and was a nice stranger who gave this man time of my day to talk, to keep company even for the moment. Yet I got that nudge in my spirit once more, that I couldn't just walk away like that. As a believer, I was reminded that anyone can be nice and talk to strangers, but there was more being demanded of me. I can't go around knowing the SAVIOR of the universe, the way, the truth, the life and not share that with someone. Especially a man who God strategically placed at my lunch table at that time.....
Scared, unsure of what to say, and how he would react, I got up and brought up the city he lives in and told him he was invited to our church campus in his neighborhood. I shook his hand, exchanged names and told him he was invited Sunday at 10am with his wife. He smiled and said thanks and I went back into work running a bit late.
Yet as I punched in the code to get in and walked through the back hallway, I knew that wasn't enough. Again I felt the nudge in my spirit to say more.... I came in and printed the church address and service times and ran back out. He was getting up to leave as I called his name...."LEON"...
He turned around shocked as I ran up to Him with a more official invite.... I handed him the paper and as I let God lead and felt more convicted to share the good news with Him, I told him that it was no coincidence we sat at the same table. I told him that in a world where you can't tell what is real or not, such as the wood and food we talked about, there was a REAL God who wanted Him to know that today. He smiled and looked down at the paper I'd handed him. I told him I'd be praying his wife Alicia and himself would accept the invite to church to hear more.....
And now as I walked away regardless of what he was thinking, I felt peace. I felt obedient to what God had instructed me to do and walked away knowing I wasn't just a kind stranger, but a loving Christian who wants to love others, be obedient to God and go into all the world and preach the gospel. I was relieved, and yet humbled to know God wants to place us in key places and use us as HIS vessels if only we are attentive. I am amazed He uses us even in our feelings of inadequacy, or shyness.....
I named this the blog I didn't plan, because If it weren't for this God moment....I'd be giving you a blog about Emeli's will to do her own thing and my struggle as a mother...... yet with God I am learning there are no coincidences. Nothing is lost. He is always ready to set up us up to love others if we only see the need....

Love, Meli
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