Even though I was reminded I havent blogged in 52 days, I had to write my end of year blog. Before I can even think, plan or imagine what 2016 can hold for me, I have to reflect and thank God for the wonderful year 2015 has been. At the beginning of the year, I felt God tell me the word for the year would be BRAVE, and all I could imagine was to face the year with Courage, without Fear.
So the year started like most with my birthday..... turning 26 and feeling great about where I am in this point at my life. I could hang on to a million regrets about not having gone to college or having a "career", but I look at my husband, my kids and all that we have created and i know i am right where God wants me. Its been His grace and mercy that have provided and continue to sustain me.

I can say I didnt blog as much as I did last year, or as much as I wanted to. But I did feel like I was investing and being present in the moment with everything i was given. I have gained so much friendships. Real life people who I can share my walk with. People who are interested in my well being, my family, and are genuinely so kind and loving towards us. From continuing to nurture the friendships established last year, to joining women's bible study, and serving along some of the most wonderful girls I have met I can say I feel God has fulfilled that desire for true genuine Friendships. There's such a range and difference between all those i can call friends, but i love theres something to learn from each of them. It's also been amazing to finally have my friend, her husband and my "nephew" MIkey back in Florida.

This year, we also set out to go on a family vacation to Trinidad. My husband's homeland.... where most of the family is. It was Emeli's first plane ride and our second trip there in 6 years. We couldn't wait to see his dad, meet his wife, and meet our niece Aria. We got to have the kids enjoy time with grandpa, uncle and aunt.... and get to know a whole different way of living in a foreign country. It was 9 days away from home and it couldn't have been any better. It warmed my heart to see this family reunion and get to embrace where my husband grew up and the kids to get to know the culture. It made me realize how blessed we are to have such a big family for love, and support. And I am grateful for the trip to be reunited, but it also made me more appreciative of the family we have here as well. Our kids are surrounded by grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins that overflow our heart with love and are helping shape their lives.

Not only did we get to go to Trinidad, but we managed to enjoy many little family trips and actually make use of our vacations from work. It's a big dream of ours to be able to explore our country, and many places in the world and its just so amazing to be able to jump in the car and take a break from the regular routines and enjoy new places and experiences with our family. We enjoyed being tourists there and eating different foods, taking water taxis, taking a cross country road trip and seeing mountains. something we are not used to in Florida. But while we were here we made the most of our state. We traveled to Disney once more, to enjoy Night of Joy. Their yearly Christian COncert line up where the park is ours from 4pm-1am. Just music, performances, shorter lines and fireworks.
We also took advantage of the fact my friend and her coast guard husband were stationed in Key West to make our first family trip down to the Keys. We were able to stay in their home on base, walk the city, and just enjoy the different ocean view and sights. We also ended the year by taking a trip to Tampa last week. Another first. I know it seems I havent been many places for a native 26 year old floridian. But it was awesome. The kids enjoyed Busch Gardens, the Aquariums, museum and zoo all up there. Not only did we get to go on rides, and make memories, but we also
took a detour on our drive back down the West coast and stopped at Siesta Key Beach... voted the #1 beach in America. The white powder sand, and the sunset over the Gulf of Mexico take my breath away. I am so thankful that we actually were able to enjoy time away and stay true to our vision as a family. Buy less, and do more.

With the kids, what can I say? I am blessed to be their mother another year and see them grow and develop their personalities. It was a year of many firsts for them. Emeli started school for the first time and also broke her foot for the first time. Manny started playing soccer and joined the science club at his school. And despite a really bad hand, foot and mouth virus, a bout of excema and finding Emeli is lactose intolerant, I am thankful for their health and all we go through that helps strengthen our faith, point them to Jesus and makes us just more compassionate to others who may not be as fortunate. Its been very different trying to adjust to 2 different school schedules, packing lunches, staying on top of dates for field trips, shows, or volunteering and I have felt I am going to lose my mind. But its also been great to watch them become more independent, more able to help out with different things around the house, and to keep filling their lives with experiences they will look back on. Manny was able to participate in his first outreach feeding, serving and praying for the homeless. We added a second doggy Riley to our family. They took swimming lessons, Emeli went on her first field trips, they read about 100 books on our trips to the library, and they got to explore a Coast guard Ship and sit in the Captains chair...... Everyday I just want to be a better mother.... to pray for them more and to show them an example of a life being filled with moments with our loved ones, and helping others.

In my marriage of 11 years that we celebrated this past November, i can say God just continues to give us love and unite us more than i ever thought possible. I am married to my best friend. A man created for me. A man with the same love for Christ and passion to reach out and help others. A man with the same vision for our family who shares his love for vacations, family time, date nights, and family ministry. We have continued to experience and see God's hand in everything we plan and envision. We knew getting married young, and enduring turmoil, that one day God would use that all for His glory and I think this is the year that I was finally able to see how our story can encourage others. We were interviewed for "Nurturing Marriage" on our marriage and were able to point to Christ as the one who holds us together. We also were able to share through our favorite local radio station: Reach Fm, what are some of our marriage tips for others. Our marriage is not perfect, but through all we have been through i can't imagine a marriage without God's love, mercy and forgiveness. I am so blessed to spend another year with the man that pushes me, encourages me and continues to love me despite my flaws and failures. A man who most importantly showed me grace, and held me up in prayer in some of my low moments.
All in all, it was definitely a year I can see how I had to be brave. So many situations where i had to let go of fear even in the smallest. From flying on a plane (I hate it), to being bold and having a lip sync duet in our young adult group at church. Brave to share Christ with others, and tell our story. Brave to trust God for healing when I was rear ended and had a hurt shoulder for weeks, brave to trust for His healing in our kids as they endured the broken bones, the virus and the excema flare up. The definititon of the word is having to endure pain or danger, and I can say at times it was painful. Painful to not be able to see how it would all work out, and yet here we are and it all did.... In it all God was in control.... refining me and drawing me closer to Him.
Looking back at 2015 my heart is overwhelmed at God's goodness. He has fulfilled so many desires and I know I can trust Him to lead. Last year He called me to Deeper.... this year the Word was Brave. Brave to know He is in Control, He holds the future even when its unknown to Me, and that He is for Me..... He makes me brave.... and where He calls I want to follow, not letting Fear hinder me following His Love in all areas of my life.... kind of like my theme song for the year which you could hear here:
Bethel Music- You make Me Brave
As you bring in 2016, I encourage you to look back at 2015 and see how
many times God proved His faithfulness, HIS provision, His protection,
and HIS love for you despite of any setbacks, mistakes, or failures, I
pray you are able to see that God doesn't only want to change your life,
but HE desires to change your heart. I pray that as you look to self
improvement goals, you look to HIM instead of self. I pray that as you
look for a vision of the future, you could SEE the vision for the future
HE has for you when you walk with HIM. I encourage you to take a leap
of faith and pray that HE would lead you and direct you in the plans HE
has for you, because that I can promise is better than any resolution or
plan we make on our own. We can fail, HE won't!
I already know my word for 2016 is simple..... its MORE. More Jesus, more Love, more of His Presence, more of His WORD, more Family, More friendships, More Serving, More blogging, more giving..... and more Of Him in all of my life.
Happy New Year 2016 !!!!
- Love, Meli
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