I know it's been a while since I last wrote, so why not break the dry spell with what I've been going through and what I'm learning.
School started about a month ago here in Florida. For my little one Emeli, that meant starting pre-k. I'm not sure what she envisioned it to be but she was super excited. She talked about it for weeks, we went shopping and she couldn't wait to start. The first week went ok.
Then the next week, she hated the place. She was refusing to go. Crying about it at home. Didn't want to talk about school at all and just was making herself miserable and anxious about it. So we did what every parent would do and switched schools. She started there fine too. And it seemed to be a more hands on and playing curriculum than the other school. However a couple days into it, again she was refusing to go. Except this time we knew she loved it. She was coming home talking about her friends, all she did and how nice her teacher was. This time we figured we were dealing with normal kid anxiety about school.
It's been a couple of weeks and she's improving. She still has her lazy days and times she tells me she doesn't like school but as her mom I know that's not the case anymore. Her face lights up when she talks about the place. From snack time to recess, to painting and reading, she genuinely enjoys her time while she's there however I think she has a hard time getting there wondering what she's missing out on. The past 4 years she's been able to stay home with grandma and sometimes even grandpa or her uncle. She's enjoyed being the center of attention, trips, visits, sleeping late, and having the house and TV all to herself. I don't think her problem is she doesn't like school, I think her two problems are : 1... it wasn't what she expected and 2... she has a problem committing, thinking she's missing out on her "at home life."
It really had me perplexed how the one thing she loves, and needs at school is the one thing she was refusing to do. I mean full on tantrums, crying, making herself sick. And then it dawned on me this is exactly what happens with the gospel. I know you're thinking " here she goes again" but hear me out.
Some people today don't want to hear about Jesus and accept Him as savior because of the same two reasons Emeli didn't want to go to school. One is the fact it may not be what you imagined or expected. Someone may have lied to you and told you once you had Jesus, you wouldn't have problems. You decided to try Him and instead found out problems were the same or even worse. Or you saw someone who did and all you saw were the trials that person was going through. And I want to say I'm sorry you were lied to. I'm sorry It wasn't what you imagined. I should have broken the news to Emeli that school wouldn't all be just playing and someone should have told you a life with Jesus wouldn't be trial free. Instead life with Jesus, equips you with His spirit, His presence, His word to overcome any trial. He gives you the wisdom and knowledge to overcome. He wants you to pick up your Cross and follow HIM.
Same way school is not all games, but it gives her knowledge and prepares her in skills she is going to need in life from socialization, reading and writing. When trials come in our life with Jesus, it may not be all joy and laughter, but it is for your ultimate good! Maybe not for your immediate good, but for your ultimate good. Slowly but surely Emeli is understanding that though she may not like the "lecturing" and work part of school, that these are things she needs to learn now to be successful in school in the long run. She's understanding it is for her good so she can grow. It helps her appreciate the playing and recess times when they come. The things God allows are equipping us, molding us and preparing us.
Some people don't want to try Jesus because they're only focused on what they will be missing out on. I know this was me for a while. I used to see christians who didn't listen to the same music, or do the same things they used to and I convinced myself I would be missing out on the world if I followed Jesus. I was like Emeli in a comfortable place. I didn't think I was doing anything bad, and I thought what the world had to offer was more fun than I could ever have in the life Jesus offered. I think Emeli is starting to find out how wrong she was. Don't get me wrong the life with grandma at home was nice, but now she's making friends, going to the playground, painting, and going on fieldtrips. Nothing her little mind could imagine before. Same thing happened to me, when I finally gave Jesus my heart I could see that what He offered was better than what I was afraid to miss out on. Sure it's a different kind of fun then what I was used to but just like a little kid growing up, my idea of fun started to change. Now I can't imagine life without Jesus. And not only in giving our lives to Him, but in moving further with Him. Be obedient and don't get comfortable. Don't let comfort hold you back.
Emeli was afraid to try it and I know that as the time passes even though it was not what she expected, she is starting to love everything about it. I know she will forget all the trouble crying and tantrums she put us through not to go because it will become so natural to her. And she will wonder what she ever did before she started going to school.....
Today I encourage you to look at your life. Are you too cool for school like her? Do you keep passing up the opportunity to give your life to Jesus and live for Him? Whatever it is, I promise you it's better than what you envisioned and there's nothing that you're going to miss out on that can replace the greater life God has prepared for you!!! Don't be afraid to take the leap of faith. Don't be afraid to let Him in. You need Him like she needs school, and though you may be comfortable where you are, God wants to show you the new!

Now to deal with her fear of swimming lessons..... He does call us to go deeper.... hehehe.
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