I said yes.... and no he did't just propose and its not a big rock on my finger. Its actually the ring we bought 10 years ago on his Checker's (fast food restaurant) salary. It is real gold and has real diamonds, but I had to laugh at the fact we picked it out inside Kmart's jewelry department. Its funny someone asked me about the other day since I still wear it on my right hand from time to time... and it just dawned on me, that was our "engagement" and "wedding ring" for a long time.
Today is not our wedding anniversary. Today marks 11 years together. It was Friday the 13th in that warm February that we became more than friends. It's also kind of ironic that I name titled this blog "I said yes" cause on this particular day that we celebrate every year, I didn't actually say yes. Nothing was asked. He had actually called me that Tuesday evening to tell me he "liked" me. The week progressed by me telling him I did too to finally discussing that Thursday night that we would bring each other's valentine's day stuff to school the next day since he worked all weekend. I took him a card. A very simple card that told him how thankful I was for his friendship and how much I loved him. I didn't lie. He had become a really good friend in those months we knew each other and I did love him. It was a genuine friendship kind of love. He didn't make it to school on time that day so I had to wait til 2nd period to see him in the hallway only to see him empty handed after all that anticipation had built up. Instead he had a handwritten letter for me. He hugged me and told me he was so sorry but he almost missed the bus and had to run out of his house and forgot my gift. He walked me to my next class and as we said good bye, he kissed me on the cheek like he usually does except this time I turned my head as well and we ended up kissing. Our first kiss. In the hall, in front of my whole Algebra 2 class.. I was bright red. This is where it all began. He never asked me to be his girlfriend, but he did ask me after class if that kiss meant we were together and I said yes.
That day he officially introduced me to his friends as his girlfriend. I told my family and friends and what I didn't know then was that this high school romance was going to turn into marriage and the love of my life. I said yes that day to the rest of our lives. To a lifetime of memories, to my best friend, to my husband, to the father of our kids, to a man does everything to provide for me and protect me, a man who has brought me so much love and laughter.
As I post this today, we celebrate the beginning of us. I never would have imagined that 11 years later that boy from McArthur high would be my husband driving me and our kids to LegoLand to celebrate the life "we" created.
Emerald, though you never asked me to be your girlfriend, I say yes. Though you are not the same person you were 11 years ago. I love how we have grown together from immature teenagers to responsible adults who are still kids at heart. I love that we can laugh at all the hard stuff we have been through and how all has brought us closer and made us stronger. I love that nothing about our love story has been typical. I love that you are not only my high school sweetheart, but my forever love. My best friend. I love that we went from our proms, to our first car, to our first apartment, and experiencing so many first's together. I love that you have given me a lifetime of memories, a house, a dog, and 2 beautiful kids. But today after 11 years, I love you for the man of God you are. For the warrior and the strength you are for me. For the dedicated dad you are daily for our kids, from field day volunteering, teeth pulling and tantrums that end in throw up. I love that our love has surpassed age, culture differences and all the obstacles that came our way. I love that God never left our side, and that through Him, with Him and because of Him, we can stand together today more in love than ever before.
Yes babe I'll be your girlfriend, your wife, and your partner for life. I'd do it all over again, not changing a thing... not the way it started, or the ring from Kmart, or the tears, and hard work in between, just so I could sit next you this morning in our car as I see the sun rise behind you, and see our beautiful kids sleeping in the backseat and say Happy 11th Anniversary my Love. Look how far we've made it......
"I found the one my heart loves"
Song of Solomon 3:4

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