I just came back yesterday from taking two weeks off my job. I had enough Paid time off accrued now that I have been there over 6 years and it was the first time I took this much time off. I planned it specifically to have my son's winter break from school off as well. 2 weeks of being home and enjoying the family.We didn't have a specific trip planned, we weren't going out of state or out of the country or on a cruise. We were just going to take it day by day and enjoy the time to focus on family.

That was one of the biggest highlights. Other than that it was just refreshing to be able to sleep later, wake up to the kids and to eat breakfast together. I enjoyed being able to catch up on deep cleaning. Getting rid of toys and clothes that no longer fit my Em and Ems (Emmanuel and Emeli). I always wanted to be a stay at home mom and this was my taste of it. My husband was home for a whole week and having the family together for meal times, teaching, playing, watching movies, looking at Christmas lights was pure joy.
We were able to keep our commitment to serving at church through our vacation and we were able to brainstorm and plan activities. Even though it was during the holidays, we did not do anything big this year. It seems the holidays are becoming less important to me as I get older. My mentality was we were taking time off to Do things, not buy things. We had family over for Christmas eve dinner and the kids were beyond blessed with new toys, even more than they wanted or asked for, that came from their grandparents, aunts and uncles.
We went everywhere. Did everything. Mall, safari, movies....even the beach since we live in sunny warm Florida. The time actually felt like it slowed down for us to enjoy. Being with our kids, my husband and I thanked God daily that we were blessed to be their parents.I learned a lot this break besides that not working, not exercising and eating delicious foods will make you gain weight. I learned that no matter how much break I take from "Work", I can't take a break from my relationship with God.
Our walk with Him, my relationship with Him should be something that we put above all. To pursue Him and seek His face should be something we do daily whether at work or on vacation. I needed to my prayer time, my worship time to be able to have the patience, and kindness it takes to deal with my kids all day everyday. My peace, my joy all come from Him. It was nice to be busy and on the go, but it was in the quiet times with Him alone that I was strengthened and given my daily dose of energy.
It was a reminder all that I was enjoying, stems from Him. My heart is now a thankful heart at the privilege of being a mom and a wife and being able to do all we did. But I could have very easily complained and not enjoyed it when Emeli got car sick and we had to stop to have her throw up, when she cried everytime we left somewhere fun and threw never ending tantrums. I could have complained everytime we took a long road trip and the kids were fighting in the car bickering back and forth. I could have complained because l couldn't do more, I didn't get all the cleaning done, my husband's vacation wasn't long enough. There are always two ways we can look at things. To be thankful or to complain.... And that's something I learned right along with my children as their vacation came to an end and I could see them complaining the time was up. I had to remind them to be thankful for the time well spent.
I encourage you today to remember to take breaks from the hustle and daily routine. Not necessarily a luxury vacation but time to relax, de-stress, and make memories while enjoying family time. I encourage you to know no matter where you are or where you go, God is trying to reach out to you. Its a relationship you can't neglect. And if you listen closely amongst the busy-ness and going and coming, there is something to be learned. I encourage you to speak thankfulness, think of the things you are grateful for and bite your tongue and change your kind before a complaint is spoken.
-Love Meli
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