For the past 6 and half years, I have worked at an endoscopy center. I work for a group of gastroenterologists who perform their procedures here. Colonoscopies, a scope that looks into the colon and intestines, and Endoscopies, a scope that looks into the esophagus and stomach. Since then, I have learned first hand the effects of what we eat on the body. Indigestion, heart burn, diverticulitis, ulcers, polyps and even cancerous tumors. I rarely think of it since I work up front. I check them in, get them registered and rarely see them as they leave. Most of them are cranky from not eating the day prior or weak from the prep they take to clean their body. Some are scared. Some are nervous. People come for many reasons from constipation to diarrhea, abdominal pain, or bleeding. I have become so used to working here, I rarely think of the people that leave her with bad news. Until yesterday.
Yesterday I was reminded the importance of getting your body checked out whenever you feel something is not normal. I was reminded that sometimes my patients that I greet as they walk in and are nervous about the unknown, actually walk out with the diagnosis of cancer. I remembered that it may be hard for people to receive that news if they have no faith or hope, then the news may kill them sooner than the illness. A patient made such on impact on me yesterday, that it was a great reminder of how easy it is to have faith and say I trust God when all is good. When I'm healthy, when I'm provided for...but how would i react if that was to be tested?
A man came in here with his wife yesterday. I registered him. He was only 45. He was nervous. I reassured him he would be fine and he went in for his procedure. Unfortunately, the doctor found a large cancerous tumor in his colon. What impacted me though, was that when the doctor gave the patient the news and as reassuring as he tried to be, the patient shook his hand and said "His grace is sufficient for ME". ......
WOW! I know the bible verse, I read it often. But to be able to answer that and to believe it in the midst of a test is the type of faith we are to have. See he will follow up with a surgeon who will determine if they can remove the tumor or if he will need a colostomy. They will also follow up with a lot of other tests to make sure the cancer has not spread anywhere else. He will have a lot of treatment options, and none of it guarantees he will live or that it will be a quick fix. But with his answer I know he will be ok. He knows where his faith is and on whom he stands. That's what Faith in Jesus is all about. Not that we wont face troubles, problems or illness, but that no matter what comes, OUR strength is found in HIM alone... In a world where people are looking to Jesus for a prosperous life, its important for me to tell you: that's not what life in HIM is about. Yes HE comes to give eternal life, and an abundant life, but we will have tests to endure and to face. The hope comes from knowing no matter what disease or hardship comes our way, we know God will be with us through it all. And in HIM, death has been defeated. Even if we die, we live!

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