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Father's day Tribute

Today, in honor of Father's day, I would like to dedicate this blog to my father, husband and all the wonderful men taking on the role of fatherhood.

I think its so easy for the media and the culture to give men a bad rap as deadbeat dads, but never acknowledging the men that do step up, and not only have kids, but become their provider, their guidance, and their discipline.

Growing up, I have always been so thankful for my father. He came to this country as a young man with nothing. No English, no money. Just his Visa and my great grandma's apartment in Chicago. He was never afraid of hard work though. He took all types of odd jobs and was always able to finally get my mom to move here from Colombia as well. They would later marry and start a family.

I always looked at my dad as my hero. I couldn't be convinced that there was a harder working guy out there. Growing up, he worked 2 jobs, worked the overnight shift...sometimes 12 hours in a row and would still get home to attend any school function , no matter how insignificant it seemed, from field day to awards ceremonies. And during the summers, I cannot forget how this man would come home from his long 12 hour shift just to tell us to be ready so we could go ride bikes at the park, or spend a day at the beach. He was dedicated to nit only providing for us, but spending time with us and being involved in every aspect.

My dad taught me to appreciate being American. He never held off on stories about him being a little poor boy in Colombia or all the struggles he went to get here. He instilled in us good manners, hard work, respect, and a love for the Colombian culture, as well as American pride. I am able to speak Spanish, know all the music and history of his roots, and how to appreciate his cooking including my favorite....sancocho!

My dad was never perfect. I never saw his shortcomings. I chose to see him as this man who would do anything for his family. He was loving, giving, and always stood by mom through sickness, or hard times. Today I honor my daddy, for being Him. For being brave, courageous, and now a grandpa who teaches our kids integrity, discipline and a love for Christ. Perhaps, its because of his example, that I feell I see in my husband so much of what i saw in my dad. I honor him too for being the father to our kids, an example and a hard worker.

To all the single dads, the dads who have to fight to see their kids, the dads who live at home with wife and kids, may you never take for granted the role that you have been given. Your kids are a blessing. A gift to you. That you may raise them up to be a loving adult. Be involved. Enjoy the time because it goes fast.

If you didn't have a father, or know how to be one, just know you are not fatherless. Today I can appreciate and honor my earthly daddy, thanks to my heavenly Father. Our Father who created us to be his children, and give us life and peace and love. Because of God, I don't have to expect perfection from my dad. He is a Father who will never leave us nor forsake us. A father who loved us so much, he gave His only son. My father is love, grace and forgiveness.

I pray you men who are doing the right thing and being a father, providing, taking kids to school, disciplining them, playing with them, getting to know them, are encouraged to keep on and know its a reward in itself.

I pray those that haven't, don't be discouraged its never too late! You are a part of your kid's life life that no one can ever fill. It doesn't matter what type of father you had or didn't have, you can start today and start a new trend in your family to have courageous bold men be Fathers.

Happy Father's day to all :)


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