Once upon a time, there was a girl who started a journey to tackle all the "buts" and excuses she'd been making and finally lose weight. That journey started a year ago, and now that she's finally reached her goal, she lived healthily ever after..... -The End. As a kid I loved reading stories that ended like that. But that's not what happened. A year ago, I had my mind made up to conquer my struggles and embark on a journey of healthy choices and exercise. I can say that I'm not where I envisioned.... I can't even say I succeeded at losing weight or on maintaning a healthy lifestyle. I was set, I was determined and somewhere along the way I lost all motivation. Most of you may remember the post I wrote on my 26th birthday last year where I finally pinpointed all the buts I'd been using to not tackle the weight issue. I have struggled with so much of this burden for so long. I go from being disciplined and ready to make a change planning meals a...
a blog about faith, marriage, motherhood and encouraging you in life! Its the things that happen in my world......